McAfee Help

Allowing and blocking websites

If you want your child to be able to see a specific website, you can add its web address to the filter list and set the permission level to Allow. If you don't want your child to see a specific website, you can add its web address to the filter list and set the permission level to Block.

If a child tries to visit a blocked website, a message appears indicating that the website is blocked by McAfee. The websites and the permissions you add to this list override the permissions set by the age group. Before you can create a list of websites to filter, you must assign your child to an age group.

Allow a website
When you add a website to the filter list and set the permission level to "allow," you ensure that your children can visit it when they browse the web. Before you can allow a website, however, you must assign your child to an age group.
Block a website
When you add a website to the filter list and set the permission level to "block", you prevent your children from visiting it when they browse the web. If a child tries to visit a blocked website, a message appears indicating that the site cannot be accessed because it is blocked by McAfee. Before you can block a website, however, you must assign your child to an age group.
Remove a filtered website
If you no longer want McAfee to filter a specific website, you can remove it at any time.