McAfee Help

View a security event

You can look at the Security History to see a log of activities on your PC, and how McAfee has protected you.

1 Open the Navigation Center.
2 In the left column of the Navigation Center under Reports and History, click Security History.
3 In the first drop-down list, select an activity. Then, in the second drop-down list, select the time period you want to review.
To see activity about... Select...
All events Everything.
Viruses, Trojans, tracking cookies, or potentially unwanted programs detected Viruses and other threats detected.
Email with infections, or suspicious links or attachments detected Suspicious email detected.
Hackers blocked from using malicious files to exploit buffer overflows in your programs and harm your PC Buffer overflow exploits blocked.
Scripts blocked from damaging or changing critical files and disrupting the performance of your PC Malicious scripts blocked.
Scans run Scans run.
Spam detected in webmail messages Spam filtering activity.
Updates to your Anti-Spam filtering rules Spam update activity.
Quarantined items restored to their original location Quarantined items restored.
PCs blocked from attempting to take advantage of vulnerabilities Network intrusions blocked.
Hackers blocked from exploiting weaknesses in programs on your PC PC intrusions blocked.
Suspicious incoming network connections blocked Incoming connections blocked.
Outgoing network connections blocked Outgoing connections blocked.