McAfee Help

Block a content category

When you block a content category for your child, you stop the child from looking at websites containing that type of content and participating in online acitivities associated with that type of content. To block a content category, you move it from the Allowed list into the Blocked list in Parental Controls. If a child tries to visit a website from a blocked category, a message appears indicating that the site or activity is blocked by McAfee.

You must assign your child to an age group before you can block a content category. To learn more about content categories or to learn about assigning an age group, read Understanding content categories in Parental Controls and Assign a user to an age group.
If you move a content category in the Allowed and Blocked lists, your child's age group automatically switches to Custom.
1 Open the Protect Your Family screen.
2 Click the arrow next to the name of a user to expand the options, then click Required Settings.
3 On the Required Settings page, select the content category in the Allowed list, then click the right arrow to move it into the Blocked list.
4 Click Done.