McAfee Help

Managing programs and their permissions

Many programs attempt to gain incoming and outgoing access to the Internet. You need to decide which programs you want to allow that access.

Program permission settings
Personal Firewall lets you manage access permissions for existing programs and create access permissions for new programs.
Allow full access for a program
Some programs require full access to the Internet to function properly.
Allow outgoing access for a program
You can allow a program to have outgoing-only Internet access. Most programs require outgoing-only access, like web browsers and most network applications.
Block access for a program
You can block a program from having incoming and outgoing Internet access. This is an important option for users who want full control of their PCs, allowing access only for the programs they trust, and blocking everything else.
Remove a program's permissions
You can remove a program's permissions by deleting it from your Program Permissions list. If this program then tries to access the Internet, Personal Firewall will treat it as a new program.