McAfee Anti-Theft Help

Change your device's lockdown message

After you shut down and lock your device you see a single screen that shows steps to unlock your device, and a customized message.

You can add your contact information to this message, such as an email address or phone number, so you can be notified if someone finds your device.
1 Log in to the Anti-Theft Web Console.
2 Make sure your device is in normal mode.
3 Click Settings.
4 From Lock Settings, under Lockdown message, enter your contact information, up to a maximum of 49 English characters.
5 Click Save.
It might take several minutes to save the changes to your device because your device must first connect to the Internet and then sync with your account. If you want to sync now, open McAfee Anti-Theft from your device's desktop and click Sync on the Home Page.