McAfee Anti-Theft Help

Start or stop repair shop mode

You can turn on repair shop mode to lock the files in your My Documents folder, and all your Microsoft Office files (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint), Microsoft Money files, and Intuit Quicken files.

It's a good idea to start repair shop mode when your device will be used by someone other than you.
Certain file types in My Documents can't be locked, including .amv, .mgv, .jnt, .jtp, .mov, .mpeg, .mpeg4, .exe, and .tmp.
1 Log in to the Anti-Theft Web Console.
2 Do one of the following:
To... Do this...
Start repair shop mode
1 Make sure your device is in normal mode.
2Click Settings, and then click Other settings.
3Under Repair shop mode, select Start repair shop mode.
4Click Save.
It might take several minutes to save the changes to your device because your device must first connect to the Internet and then sync with your account. If you want to sync now, open McAfee Anti-Theft from your device's desktop and click Sync on the Home Page.
Stop repair shop mode Click Return to normal mode.