McAfee Help

Setting up phishing protection

Phishing protection prevents you from accessing fraudulent websites that try to obtain your personal information. If you click a link in an email message to a known or potentially fraudulent website, Anti-Spam redirects you to a safe page with information about the website and why it is considered potentially unsafe.

If Anti-Spam directs you to a safe page when you visit a website that you know is safe, you can add it to your phishing whitelist. The whitelist contains websites that you trust, so these websites are not filtered. You do not need to add sites like Google, Yahoo!, or McAfee, because these are known legitimate websites.
SiteAdvisor® and Anti-Spam share the same technology to provide phishing protection. When SiteAdvisor is installed, Anti-Spam relies on SiteAdvisor for its built-in anti-phishing protection. In this case, SiteAdvisor manages the whitelist.
Manage your whitelist
You can add or change website addresses on your whitelist. You can also remove websites that you now want to filter.