Verizon Internet Security Suite Powered by McAfee® Help

Turn off real-time scanning

Occasionally you might want to stop real-time scanning, perhaps for troubleshooting. However, turning off real-time scanning leaves your PC exposed to threats, and your protection status on the Home Page shows that your PC is "at risk."

When you select the option to turn off real-time scanning, McAfee prompts you to select when to turn it back on: automatically after a short time, on restart, or never. We recommend that you turn real-time scanning on as soon as possible.

1 Open the Real-Time Scanning settings page.
2 Under Real-Time Scanning, click Turn off.
3 In the confirmation page, select when to restart the scanner by clicking the arrow next to When do you want to resume Real-Time Scanning? The default is 15 minutes.
4 Click Turn off.