McAfee Help

Trust levels for PC connections

PC connections are the connections that you create between other PCs and your own. You can add, edit, and delete IP addresses on the My Network Connections list. These IP addresses are associated with PCs and networks, to assign a level of trust when they connect to your PC. The levels of trust are Home, Work, Public, and Blocked.

Levels of trust Description
Home Allows traffic from an IP address to reach your PC through any port. Activity between the PC associated with a home IP address and your PC is not filtered or analyzed by Personal Firewall. By default, the first private network that Personal Firewall finds is listed as Home in the My Network Connections list.
Work Controls traffic from an IP address when it connects to your PC, and allows or blocks that traffic according to the rules in the Ports and System Services list. Personal Firewall logs traffic and generates event alerts from IP addresses with this level of trust.
Public Controls traffic from a network in public places, such as in a café, hotel, or airport, according to the rules in the Ports and System Services list.
Blocked Blocks traffic that comes from an IP address so that it can't reach your PC through any port.