McAfee Help

Specify webmail filtering rules

You can specify the rules that Anti-Spam uses to filter your webmail accounts.

1 Specify the webmail account information.
To... Do this...
Specify when to dial a connection

Select one of the following:

Never dial a connection — Anti-Spam doesn't automatically dial a connection for you. You must manually dial your connection.

Dial when no connection is available — Anti-Spam tries to connect using the dial-up connection you specify when an Internet connection is not available.

Always dial the specified connection — Anti-Spam tries to connect using the dial-up connection you specify. If you are currently connected through a different dial-up connection than the one you specify, you are disconnected.

Specify the dial-up connection In the Dial this connection text field, type the dial-up connection number.
Stay connected to the Internet after your email is checked Select Stay connected after filtering is complete.
2 Click Apply.