McAfee Help

Define how to handle spam

You can specify where to put spam and phishing email, change the SPAM or PHISH tag that appears in the email subject line, define a maximum size to filter, and decide how often to update your spam filtering rules.

1 Open the Anti-Spam page.
2 Click Email Processing.
3 Modify or select the appropriate options below, then click Apply.
To... Do this...
Specify the location to put spam and phishing email In the After marking email as spam list, move spam and phishing email into the Spam folder (default) or leave it in your Inbox.
Change the subject line of the spam email In the Label field for spam, specify a tag to add to the subject line of spam email. The default tag is SPAM.
Change the subject line of phishing email In the Label field for phishing, specify a tag to add to the subject line of phishing email. The default tag is PHISH.
Specify the maximum email size to filter Under Other rules, select Ignore email larger than... and enter a size (in KB) greater than 0 and smaller than 251. The default option is 150 KB.
Specify how often to update the spam filtering rules Under Other rules, select Update spam rules every... and type a number between 5 and 600 to indicate how often (in minutes). The default is every 120 minutes.