Verizon Internet Security Suite Powered by McAfee®

View scan details

After you delete infected items and review potentially unwanted programs, McAfee displays the final scan results. At this point, you can complete your scan or view scan details to see your security history and which actions were recently taken on your PC.

1 After running a scan and working with scan results, click View details.
To... Do this...
See details on infected items, including the infected file names, their locations on your PC, the names of the threats they contain, and their status Click Viruses, Trojans, and Cookies.
See details on potentially unwanted programs, including the names of the potentially unwanted programs, affected files, affected registry keys, and their status Click Potentially Unwanted Programs.
See the number of processes, files, critical system files, tracking cookies, and boot records checked, and threats that were detected during the scan Click Scan Summary.
2 To complete the scan, click Done.