Verizon Internet Security Suite Powered by McAfee®

Viewing HackerWatch statistics

Personal Firewall uses the security website HackerWatch to provide up-to-date information about programs and global Internet activity. HackerWatch is associated with McAfee and is integrated with Personal Firewall, allowing individual users to pool information through automatic event submission, which helps prevent hacking attempts, intrusion, and unwanted traffic. By combining this data, automated tools scan for offending PCs, which can be identified by the Internet traffic they produce. When an offending PC is identified, its Internet service provider is notified so that they can respond by removing access.

View global security event statistics
HackerWatch tracks worldwide Internet security events, which include hacking attempts, intrusion, and unwanted traffic. Tracked information includes incidents reported to HackerWatch in the past 24 hours, past 7 days, and past 30 days.
View global Internet port activity
HackerWatch tracks worldwide Internet security events. The website displays information on global Internet port activity, including the top event ports. Typically, it displays HTTP, TCP, and UDP port information.