McAfee Help

Check your PC's time zone

McAfee logs and uses the time zone on your PC to restrict your child's online access according to the schedule you create. So it is important to make sure your PC's time zone is correct; otherwise, your child might be able to go online during restricted times.

If anyone changes your PC's time zone, you should check it from the Windows Date and Time dialog box. To learn how to access the Windows Date and Time dialog box, see Windows Help and Support.

If... Do this...
Your PC's time zone is correct (for example, if you're traveling or you've moved recently). Log in to Parental Controls using your administrator password. After you log in, the online schedule updates automatically.
Your PC's time zone is incorrect (for example, this might happen if your child changes the time zone in an attempt to bypass Parental Controls). Use the Windows Date and Time dialog box to correct the time zone. For more information, see Windows Help and Support.