McAfee Anti-Theft Help

Set up McAfee Anti-Theft

Before your PC and its important files can be protected by McAfee Anti-Theft, you'll need to set it up on your PC. The setup wizard guides you through creating your account and registering your PC.

1 Make sure your PC is connected to the Internet.
2 Open McAfee Anti-Theft by double clicking the McAfee Anti-Theft icon in your taskbar.
3 From the Home Page, click Set up.
You'll be asked to create an 8-digit Anti-Theft password that you'll need to unlock your PC, provide an email address to receive important updates about your PC's status, and verify that you want to track your PC's location in case of loss or theft. Once setup is complete, you can access the Anti-Theft Web Console to remotely manage your settings.
If the setup wizard displays a message that your PC is already registered, please cancel the registration from the Anti-Theft Web Console and complete the setup again.